School Bus

School Bus
Poster School Bus

Title: School Bus

Original Title: School Bus

Year: 2016


  • Country: India
  • Length: 118 Minutes (1 hour 58 min)
  • Genre: Drama Family

Release Dates

  • UK: June 24 2016


'School Bus' is an Indian family drama written and directed by Roshan Andrews. This film tells the story of a married couple, Joseph and Aparna, that has two children who are constantly irritating them. Because of their work and personal matters, they don't spend much time with them so they decided to rise against them. After a mischief goes wrong, the whole school is mad with Ajoy, Joseph and Aparna's son. He'll decide that he's much better away from them so he can't hear their complains about him. This couple will have to find help just to find his son and bring him back home.



Roshan Andrews Roshan Andrews

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