'Breaking Bad': Bryan Cranston returns as Walter White on 'Saturday Night Live'

Bryan Cranston jumps straight back into the role of Walter White as he makes a hilarious appearance on 'Saturday Night Live' in New York.

December 16 2016 | 17:30


It's been over 3 years since 'Breaking Bad' ended, with a whirlwind final season making it one of the best series of the last few years. Although 'Better Call Saul' has offered a different type of quality to the saga, the fans can't help but miss the adventures of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.

Bryan Cranston has returned to the role he took by storm as the Chemistry teacher/methamphetamine king for the programme 'Saturday Night Live'. The actor appeared in the opening sketch of a recent episode, wearing normal clothes and his famous sombrero hat.

breaking bad

The amusing sketch centers around jokes about the U.S. elections and the president elect himself, Donald Trump. Joking around about the possible government positions available, a surprise pops up when it is announced our very own Walter White will be the new director of the DEA, the anti-drug agency who the protagonist faces in the series.

Although the clip doesn't last long, Cranston still makes the most of his screen time playing on words and joking around about the election. "I know the DEA better than anyone, inside and out" responds Walter White when the presenter asks him about whether he knows anything about drug enforcement. He also claims to be in favour of Trump's wall he is wanting to build, as it will mean he will face "less competition" due to the closing of the border.

This is one of many jokes Walter White whipped out on what was an enteratining episode of 'Saturday Night Live' on CNN. Watch the hilarious video below: