
'Barefoot' trivia and fun facts

A prequel

This film is a prequel of a prior film called 'The Elementary School', released in 1991.

A long journey

It took 15 years for father and son, the co-authors Jan and Zdenek Sverak, to develop the script for 'Barefoot'.

Based in a true story

The script is based on his father's childhood memories, in a child's point of view.

Poor box office

The critical panning, and poor box office receipts resulted in 20th Century Fox canceling the Blu-ray release of the film and instead releasing it on standard DVD.

A curious casting

To ensure he would cast the best possible young actors, Jan Sverak applied a new casting method of having each child of 800 who auditioned tell a joke so he could see verbal skills, sense of humor and ability to remember and deliver a story.

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