Everybody Loves Somebody

Everybody Loves Somebody
Poster Everybody Loves Somebody

Title: Everybody Loves Somebody

Original Title: Everybody Loves Somebody

Year: 2016



Clara Barrón (Karla Souza) is an indecisive doctor in the romantic setting. When it finally seems her love life is going strong with a collegue of hers, she is forced to attend her sister's, where she will meet again with her longtime ex-boyfriend (Chema Yazpik), who is still in contact with her family, and appears in the ceremony putting the whole situation upside down. Clara soons gets involved in a romantic triangle, where her family won't take long to interfere.

Written and directed by Catalina Aguilar Mastretta, 'Everybody Loves Somebody' is a romantic comedy which stars Karla Souza ('How to get away with muder'), Ben O'Toole, José M. Yazpik, Patricia Bernal, Alejandro Camacho and Tiaré Scanda.



Everybody Loves Somebody
Everybody Loves Somebody
Everybody Loves Somebody
Everybody Loves Somebody

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