The Weekend Movie

The Weekend Movie
Poster The Weekend Movie

Title: The Weekend Movie

Original Title: The Weekend Movie

Year: 2016


Release Dates

  • UK: December 02 2016


'The Weekend' is a British comedy that focuses on Derrick, played by Joivan Wade, Malcolm played by Percelle Ascott and Tyler, played by Dee Kaate. Three lifelong friends find themselves with 100,000 pounds and instead of returning it, they embark on a hilarious adventure with high-speed racing, expensive haircuts, new clothes, a big car, and one of the biggest parties of their lives. In short, the best weekend that one can imagine. But the money don?t belong them, is from a one dangerous gangster who will try to recover it. The main actors began to be popular with their web series 'Mandem on the Wall', so they took to their same personages to the television, and now they are released in the great screen.



Sheridan De Myers Sheridan De Myers


'The Weekend Movie' Trailer 1:41

'The Weekend Movie' Trailer

November 28 2016

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