'The Haunting of Hill House': What the Crain Siblings Could Represent

The season of spook is nigh and nothing can quite get you into the scary spirit like Netflix sensation 'The Haunting of Hill House', and a new fan theory has given us chills all over again.

October 26 2018 | 12:11


The horror series, 'The Haunting of Hill House' has become the latest phenomenon on Netflix. In the past few days details about the fiction have not stopped coming out, including information about the 29 hidden ghosts throughout all of the episodes. Now, a whole new theory could have completely changed the way in which we understand the series and their characters...


One fan on Twitter published a post on Tumblr with an eye-opening theory that each of the Crain siblings represents a different stage of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Buzzfeed took this idea and expanded on it further to lay out a clear image of what this theory would look like.

Denial would be represented by Steve, who refuses to believe that paranormal things are happening in Hill House, or that they had anything to do with Nell's death. Shirley would be anger, as she is furious with everything that is happening, and especially about the book that is being written about Hill House and Nell's death.

The Haunting of Hill House

Theo would represent the third stage, bargaining. She is always looking for a rational solution as a way to understand her sister's death and the reason why the house is enchanted. Luke would embody depression. He feels that he cannot continue living after the tragic death of Nell and, additionally, is it possible that his addiction to drugs represents the complexity of this depression phase.

Finally, Nell would be acceptance. This character accepted everything that was happening in Hill House from the first moment, as well as her own destiny and later death.

If this were not enough to convince you, another Tumblr user developed an idea which completely connected everything. Not only do the Craig siblings represent the five stages of grief, but they were also born in the order that you experience these phases: Steve, Shirley, Theo, Luke, and the youngest, Nell.

A Second Season?

Despite the success of the first season, it seems that Mike Flanagan has no plans, according to Entertainment Weekly, to release a second season and continue with the Crains' story:"as far as I've ever been concerned with this, the story of the Crain family is told. It's done."

Despite this, Flanagan did not rule out following with a different story set in the same house, taking the show in a different direction to the story of the Crain family.