'Power Rangers': New Teaser Poster

In the season of reboots, there are few we are more excited for more that 'Power Rangers'! Riding their Dinozords straight out of our childhood!

December 16 2016 | 17:40


The 'Power Rangers' team seems to have a very well-planned promotional campaign, given that they offer us advances in the new film by means of bite sized bits to quench the thirst for information of the fans. A few days ago we knew what would be the appearance of Alpha 5 (Bill Hader), the faithful helper robot of Zordon(Bryan Cranston). Now is the turn of the new poster, which us gives a small glimmer of other of those elements important of the film.

'Power Ranger Poster'

The poster of the film shows the Dinozords, which are the vehicles that the Power Rangers use to fight against giant henchmen of Rita Repulsa(Elizabeth Banks). Unfortunately, we can only just barely make them out. The poster was released on ComicBook, and shows Trini's (Becky Gomez) Sabretooth. Trini is the yellow ranger. Also seen is the T-Rex of the Red Ranger (Dacre Montgomery), the Pterodactyl of the Pink Ranger (Naomi Scott), and just about seen is the triceratops of the Blue Ranger (RJ Cyler).

This is the first time we have seen what the Dinozords will look like in the film. Until now, the only proof we had they would be there at all was the new version of the toys. If we were to buy the T-Rex and the Sabre-toothed tiger from the poster, with the same merchandising, they have kept the same shape, far from the excessive plastic appearance. Therefore, we're hoping that the other ones are the same as their toy equivalents.

'Power Ranger Toys'

The dangerous Rita Repulsa

In an interview with Amy Jo Johnson, the actress who played the Pink Ranger in the 90s version of 'Mighty Morphin', she had expressed whom she would love to play the role in a reboot of the saga. "Truthfully, I would love to be Rita, but Elizabeth Banks got the role. I think she could be a fantastic Rita. Or another crazy villain", she said. However, like she said, finally the choice was the actress from 'Pitch Perfect', who also will show us quite a different Rita.

'Power Rangers' is directed by Dean Israelite and will arrive in cinemas in the UK on the 24th March.

Zack (Ludi Lin): Black Power Ranger

'Black Power Ranger'

Billy (RJ Cyler): Blue Power Ranger

'Blue Power Ranger'

Jason (Dacre Montgomery): Red Power Ranger

'Red Power Ranger'

Kimberly (Naomi Scott): Pink Power Ranger

'Pink Power Ranger'

Trini (Becky G.): Yellow Power Ranger

'Yellow Power Ranger'