Natalia Sánchez

 Natalia Sánchez


  • Full Name: Natalia Sánchez
  • Date of birth: March 27, 1990 (34 years old)
  • Location: Sevilla, España
  • Country: Spain

Family and relationships

Last appearances: movies and tv shows

2024- Act

Sueños de libertad

Sueños de libertad

Actriz - Begoña Montes

2022- Act

Heirs to the Land

Heirs to the Land

Actriz - Marta Destorrent

2019- Act

Hospital Valle Norte

Hospital Valle Norte

Actriz - Juana


The Year of the Plague


The Year of the Plague

Actriz - Bego


Sex, Party and Lies


Sex, Party and Lies

Actriz - Chica Dealer

2003- 2008

The Serranos

The Serranos

Actriz - Teté Capdevilla Gómez

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