Best. Partee. Ever.

Best. Partee. Ever.
Poster Best. Partee. Ever.

Title: Best. Partee. Ever.

Original Title: Best. Partee. Ever.

Year: 2016


  • Country: Philippines
  • Length: 116 Minutes (1 hour 56 min)
  • Genre: Drama


Mickey is a young gay man who lives in Philippines and has a well-off life. His life orbits around partying, drinking alcohol and having ecstasy. But when a antidrug police raid surprises him in the middle of one of his parties, his life will take a very different turn. Mickey will live on his skin the harshness of the Filipino judicial system, and will spend five years in jail waiting for trial. There, he will have to adapt in order to survive, holding back his sexuality, and will finally become a 'Mayor', leader of a gang of homosexual inmates. Together, they will have to resist in a prison where human dignity seems like an unreachable dream. JC de Vera, who plays Mickey, was nominated for Best Actor at the Filipino QCinema festival.



HF Yambao HF Yambao


Best. Partee. Ever.
Best. Partee. Ever.
Best. Partee. Ever.
Best. Partee. Ever.
Best. Partee. Ever.
Best. Partee. Ever.
Best. Partee. Ever.
Best. Partee. Ever.


Real experiences

The film director based upon real experiences and stories told by his friends to write the plot of the film.

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