Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun Woman

Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun Woman
Poster Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun Woman

Title: Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun Woman

Original Title: Tráiganme la cabeza de la mujer metralleta

Year: 2012


  • Country: Chile
  • Length: 73 Minutes (1 hour 13 min)
  • Genre: Action Crime
  • Age rating: 18 (Suitable only for adults)

Release Dates

  • UK: September 27 2013


Santiago Fernandez is an aimless young man content with spending hours on the couch playing violent video games and fantasizing about an exciting life of crime and gun fights. By night he DJ's at a club owned by a ruthless Argentinian kingpin Che Longana. One evening, Santiago finds himself trapped in a bathroom stall as Longana holds a secret meeting to make known his offer of $300 million pesos for the head of the Machine Gun Woman, an ex-girlfriend turned hit woman who has it out for him. When he is discovered eavesdropping on the conversation, Santiago's only choice to avoid being executed is to lie. He claims he knows the Machine Gun Woman and offers to bring her in. When he is given 24 hours to make good on his claim, Santiago's life turns into a violent video game of its own complete with missions, guns, sexy women and brutal violence.

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