Half Moon

Half Moon
Poster Half Moon

Title: Half Moon

Original Title: Nivemang

Year: 2006


  • Country: Austria France
  • Language: Kurdish Persian
  • Length: 108 Minutes (1 hour 48 min)
  • Genre: Comedy Drama Music

Release Dates

  • UK: January 04 2008
  • United States: December 14 2007


Mamo, a famous and admired Kurdish musician, decides to embark on an adventure across the border together with his children, with the hope of playing a concert. The concert and the journey in general has become possible due to the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime.

After waiting seven months to have his permit accepted, he sets off and halfway through the journey he picks up female singer Hesho who accompanies him on the journey. However this will only add to the complications as it is forbidden for Iranian women to sing in public, let alone be in the company of men.

Nevertheless, Mamo decides to continue and go through with his plan despite the risks and the illegality of the task at hand.



Bahman Ghobadi Bahman Ghobadi


Half Moon
Half Moon
Half Moon
Half Moon
Half Moon
Half Moon
Half Moon
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