In Praise of Nothing

In Praise of Nothing
Poster In Praise of Nothing

Title: In Praise of Nothing

Original Title: In Praise of Nothing

Year: 2017


  • Country: Serbia
  • Length: 78 Minutes (1 hour 18 min)
  • Genre: Documentary

Release Dates

  • UK: September 07 2018


Serbian director Boris Mitic directs 'In Praise of Nothing', a satirical documentary about nothing, which is tired of being misunderstood and tries to defend itself. In this way the Nothing becomes the main protagonist of the film, which has a critical monologue played by Iggy Pop, figure of the music industry, accompanied by some amazing images from different parts of the world. The film features images recorded by a total of 62 filmmakers from other parts of the world. In this way, Nothing comments on everything that is seen, from the relations between men and women, politics, and even comes to consider the very existence and meaning of life, all accompanied by the gravelly voice of Iggy Pop.


Boris Mitic Boris Mitic


'In Praise of Nothing' Trailer 1:27

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