Kills On Wheels

Kills On Wheels
Poster Kills On Wheels

Title: Kills On Wheels

Original Title: Tiszta szívvel

Year: 2016


Release Dates

  • UK: September 15 2017
  • United States: October 20 2017


A comedy of action in which two friends pretend to offer their services to the Mafia, one of them Zolika, a young person of 20 years, that by a problem of the spine is also in wheelchair and Barb, with cerebral palsy. After spending time in jail, Rupaszov, a former firefighter who has been in a wheelchair for a serious work accident for three years, decides to embark on a new job as a hitman for the sinister Rados and in a casual encounter with the two teenagers become a group of murderers. But something unexpected will change the fate of everyone's life. 'Kills On Wheels' is directed by Hungarian Atlia Till, produced by Laokoon Filmgroup and distributed by Eureka Entertainment.



Attila Till Attila Till



Kills On Wheels
Kills On Wheels
Kills On Wheels
Kills On Wheels
Kills On Wheels


The discovery

The creators discovered Zoltán Fenyvesi through his Instagram account "wheelchairguy"

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