The Death of Louis XIV
The Death of Louis XIV

'The Death of Louis XIV' trivia and fun facts

Jean-Pierre Léaud (2)

For many critics, it is his best performance in his long career as actor.

Albert Serra

Albert Serra received the Jean Vigo Prize for the film, the first spanish film maker to obtain the prestigious award.

Presence in more Festivals

It has gone through festivals like Jerusalem or Toronto, the film currently being planned in New York Film Festival and a few days go by Busan International Film Festival, BFI London Film Festival and the Viennale. Before its premiere in Spain the film will be presented at the European Film Festival in Seville and in the High Season of Girona.

Luis XIV

The film portrays the last days of Louis XIV, absolute monarch in France popularly known as 'The Sun King'.

Luis XIV (2)

This king was also known as 'Louis the Great' because his reign is the largest in a European country (72 years of throne).

Jean-Pierre Léaud, the face of the "Nouvelle Vague"

Jean-Pierre Léaud plays King Louis XIV. It is one of the most iconic faces of the "Nouvelle Vague" and one of the accomplices of Jean-Luc Godard. In the last edition of the Cannes Film Festival he received the Palme Honor for his career.

Cannes Film Festival

Albert Serra presented 'La muerte de Luis XIV' in the last edition of Cannes Film Festival, but out of competition. Still it was one of the best rated films of the festival.

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