Misery Loves Comedy

Misery Loves Comedy
Poster Misery Loves Comedy

Title: Misery Loves Comedy

Original Title: Misery Loves Comedy

Year: 2015


Release Dates

  • UK: September 18 2015
  • United States: September 18 2015


Directed by the comedian Kevin Pollak and across 60 interviews (Tom Hanks, Judd Apatow, Jimmy Fallon ?), 'Misery Loves Comedy' investigates in the origin of the humor, it tries to discover where there are born the jokes of these comedians and if it has something that to see with an unhappy or misery infancy. Sometimes it is not to be a wretch, but yes to face this dissatisfaction with the life, all his miseries, to see them otherwise and to give them the return, says Amy Schumer, one of the protagonists of this documentary.



Kevin Pollak Kevin Pollak

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

Janeane Garofalo

Janeane Garofalo

Janeane Garofalo

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