The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate
Poster The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

Title: The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

Original Title: Long men fei jia

Year: 2011


  • Country: China
  • Length: 122 Minutes (2 hours 2 min)
  • Budget: $35,000,000
  • Genre: Action Adventure
  • Age rating: 15 (Suitable only for 15 years and over)

Release Dates

  • UK: October 19 2012
  • United States: August 31 2012


The film picks up three years after the disappearance of the enigmatic innkeeper Jade and the massive fire that consumed the Inn. A new Dragon Inn has risen from the ashes, staffed by a band of marauders. Masquerading as law-abiding citizens by day, they use the cover of night to continue their true calling as fortune hunters. For legend says that the Dragon Inn is the site of a lost city buried in the desert--and a treasure that spans dynasties hidden deep within.



Hark Tsui Hark Tsui

Jet Li

Jet Li

Zhao Gwai On

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