The Ghoul

The Ghoul
Poster The Ghoul

Title: The Ghoul

Year: 2016


  • Country: UK
  • Length: 85 Minutes (1 hour 25 min)
  • Genre: Drama Thriller

Release Dates

  • UK: August 04 2017


After a strange double murder, Chris, a homicide detective, is assigned to London to investigate the case. Both corpses have appeared with several shots in the head and the chest, and Chris, under a hunch and with the aid of an old friend and his ex-girlfriend, will decide to infiltrate like patient in a psychiatric to investigate a mysterious psychotherapist that have a strange pleasure for the occult and seems to be behind the strange events. Ben Weathely (Free Fire, High Rise) produces the first feature film by screenwriter and director Gareth Tunely, a film that is defined as an exciting psychological british thriller with Lynch reminiscences arranged to sit next to great classics of the genre as Christopher Nolan's Memento .


  • 2018 BAFTA Awards: 1 0



Gareth Tunley Gareth Tunley


Trailer 'The Ghoul' 1:30

Trailer 'The Ghoul'

July 29 2017


The Ghoul
The Ghoul
The Ghoul

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