The Little Witch

The Little Witch
Poster The Little Witch

Title: The Little Witch

Original Title: Die Kleine Hexe

Year: 2018


Release Dates

  • United States: February 01 2018


The little witch has a big problem and she is only 127 years old so she is too young to go to the National Assembly of Witches and dance on the most important day for the magical community. Even so, she decides to sneak into the event, which will bring more than one problem to her and to the entire magical world. She has the bad luck of being discovered immediately and is punished in an exemplary way: 7892 spells must be learned within a period of just one year.

It will not be an easy task for the little witch because she has a hard time concentrating, but the worst of all is that the wicked witch Rumpumpel will do everything possible to prevent her from achieving it. The little witch, along with her inseparable friend the crow Abraxas, must fight to achieve her goal.



Michael Schaerer Michael Schaerer


The Little Witch
The Little Witch
The Little Witch
The Little Witch
The Little Witch
The Little Witch
The Little Witch
The Little Witch

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