Tonight She Comes

Tonight She Comes
Poster Tonight She Comes

Title: Tonight She Comes

Year: 2016


Release Dates

  • UK: October 09 2016
  • United States: October 29 2016


After their friend goes missing, two of her friends find themselves inexplicably drawn to a cabin in the woods, where she was last scene. A group of holidaymakers are disrupted when a naked, seemingly feral woman appears on their campsite.

'Tonight She Comes' is the epitome of horror, combining key features from small-town, demonic and kidnap horror films in one funny motion picture. The events that take place in the cabin take the term ?gore? to the next level, parodying a slasher film style.

Expect all your typical horror ingredients, a fast paced storyline and blood, lot?s of blood.

?Tonight She Comes? is directed by Matt Stuertz and is a guaranteed must-watch for horror film fanatics.


'Tonight She Comes' Trailer 1:56

'Tonight She Comes' Trailer

November 15 2017

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