The Humbling

The Humbling
Poster The Humbling

Title: The Humbling

Original Title: The Humbling

Year: 2014


Release Dates

  • UK: December 31 2014
  • United States: January 23 2015


Based on Phillip Roth's final novel, "The Humbling" tells the story of over-the-hill stage actor Simon Axler (Al Pacino) and his struggle to find his passion for life again. Near his breaking point, he finds motivation in the form of a young and lustful lesbian Pegeen Stapleford (Greta Gerwig), but as their relationship heats up Simon has a hard time keeping up with the youthful Pegeen.



Barry Levinson Barry Levinson

Kyra Sedgwick

Kyra Sedgwick

Louise Trenner

Al Pacino

Al Pacino

Simon Axler

Greta Gerwig

Greta Gerwig

Pegeen Mike Stapleford

Dylan Baker

Dylan Baker

Dr. Farr


The Humbling
The Humbling
The Humbling
The Humbling
The Humbling
The Humbling
The Humbling
The Humbling

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