Dave Made a Maze

Dave Made a Maze
Poster Dave Made a Maze

Title: Dave Made a Maze

Original Title: Dave Made a Maze

Year: 2017


Release Dates

  • UK: October 08 2017
  • United States: August 18 2017


One weekend when his girlfriend Annie is out of town, artist Dave decides to build a fort in his apartment. When the weekend is up, Annie comes home to find Dave somewhat trapped inside his fort, which he refers to as a maze. From the outside, it seems as though Dave is fooling around, how can he be trapped inside a cardboard fort?

It's a lot bigger on the inside, is the response Dave offers up. The artist instructs his girlfriend not to go anywhere near the maze which he appears to be increasingly afraid of. Instead, Dave suggests Annie calls his friends in order to figure out a way to rescue him. Annie ends up inviting a few more friends than intended, and embarks on a journey into the maze with them.



'Dave Made a Maze' Trailer 1:55

'Dave Made a Maze' Trailer

October 19 2017


Dave Made a Maze
Dave Made a Maze
Dave Made a Maze
Dave Made a Maze
Dave Made a Maze
Dave Made a Maze
Dave Made a Maze
Dave Made a Maze


For hours, one room

There were only space for two rooms of the maze to be built at any one time. So, they decided built for the next scene while one was being filmed. The time media of built for room was four hours.

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