I Am Happiness on Earth

I Am Happiness on Earth
Poster I Am Happiness on Earth

Title: I Am Happiness on Earth

Original Title: Yo soy la felicidad de este mundo

Year: 2014


Release Dates

  • United States: June 21 2014


Emiliano is a film director who in his creative process of filming a documentary about dance falls in love with a young dancer named Octavio, who looks for a role in the work despite having a leg disability. I am the happiness of this world is cinema within the cinema. We see the creative process of the director looking for beauty.



Julián Hernández Julián Hernández



I Am Happiness on Earth
I Am Happiness on Earth
I Am Happiness on Earth
I Am Happiness on Earth
I Am Happiness on Earth
I Am Happiness on Earth
I Am Happiness on Earth
I Am Happiness on Earth

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