One Piece Film Red

One Piece Film Red
Poster One Piece Film Red

Title: One Piece Film Red

Original Title: One Piece Film Red

Year: 2022


Release Dates

  • United States: November 04 2022


All kinds of personalities, including pirates and marines, come to the first concert of Uta, the number one singer of the moment, considered one of the most beloved artists by the public. However, she has always hidden her face, but her fans say that her voice is so special that it comes from "another dimension". Well, the time has come for her to show herself in person for the first time to her fans. The long-awaited singer and her spectacular voice are about to perform in front of colorful pirates and marines who keep their eyes on her. Also in front of Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates, who are attracted by Uta's voice without knowing anything about it. The movie kicks off with the shocking surprise that Uta is actually Shanks' daughter.

'One Piece Red Film' is a Japanese film directed by Gorô Taniguchi. It is written by Tsutomu Kuwoira and Brooklyn El-Omar, and follows the story of the successful manga saga created by Eiichiro Oda. The film will be photographed by Ejian Changgao.

The company behind the production of the film is Toei Animation, and the distribution in Spain will be in charge of Selecta Vision.

One Piece Red Film' will be released in theaters in Spain on November 3, 2022, and in the United States on November 4, 2022.


Hiroaki Hirata

Hiroaki Hirata

Sanji (voice)

Kazuya Nakai

Kazuya Nakai

Roronora Zoro (voice)

Akemi Okamura

Akemi Okamura

Nami (voice)

Brina Palencia

Brina Palencia

Tony Tony Chopper (voice)

Mayumi Tanaka

Mayumi Tanaka

Monkey D. Luffy (voice)

Kappei Yamaguchi

Kappei Yamaguchi

Usopp (voice)

Yuriko Yamaguchi

Yuriko Yamaguchi

Nico Robin (voice)


One Piece Film Red
One Piece Film Red
One Piece Film Red
One Piece Film Red
One Piece Film Red
One Piece Film Red

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