The Big Knights

The Big Knights
Poster The Big Knights

Title: The Big Knights

Original Title: The Big Knights

Year: 2015


Release Dates

  • UK: October 23 2015


Neville Astley and Mark Baker ('Peppa Pig') direct 'The Big Knights', an animation movie based on a famous BBC series for children. The story is focused on Sir Boris and Sir Morris, the best swordsman and the most intense man in the kingdom of Borovia, full of dragons and witches, but with empty coffers. Sir Boris and Sir Morris are capable of facing every trouble and save every princess, but they are a bit sloppy and the inhabitants of Borovia try to maintain peace despite their heroic acts of this two brothers, who are always joined by their pets Sir Horace the dog and Sir Doris the hamster. Not everyone can say they have the height of two men, the weight of four and the strength of sixteen.


'The Big Knights' Trailer 1:40

'The Big Knights' Trailer

October 19 2015

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