The Kid

The Kid
Poster The Kid

Title: The Kid

Original Title: The Kid

Year: 2000


Release Dates

  • UK: November 10 2000
  • United States: July 07 2000


Successful, high-powered Russ Duritz has spent all of his incredibly empty life forgetting the child he used to be -- until one day, he meets him face-to-face! Thinking this kid is a hallucination, Russ does everything he can to make him go away. But 8-year-old Rusty, who's anything but happy that he grows up to be a loser without real meaning in his life, can't leave -- at least not yet.



Jon Turteltaub Jon Turteltaub

Spencer Breslin

Spencer Breslin

Rusty Duritz

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis

Russ Duritz

Jean Smart

Jean Smart

Deirdre Lafever

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