Un gallo con muchos huevos

Un gallo con muchos huevos
Poster Un gallo con muchos huevos

Title: Un gallo con muchos huevos

Original Title: Un gallo con muchos huevos

Year: 2015



Toto is a small chick who was born in a very nice and very quiet ranch. After spending a while, Toto will become a young cock, ready to conquer the world. An evil and ambitious rancher get deceive the owner of the ranch where he lives, for woman bet her property as a reward, the dispute will be settled with a cockfight. Ranchera only as a last hope to have Toto , having to train hard to defeat the most dangerous and violent of all cock of his rach. Dirige la cinta el cineasta Gabriel Riva Palacio Alatriste.

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