6 interesting facts about Harrison Ford

Discover 6 facts about the man who brought the likes of Han Solo and Indiana Jones well and truly to life.

January 5 2017 | 18:22


You don't need to know much about cinema to be aware of certain actors in the industry. There are a fair few that we have seen time and time again on our television screens, and of course in cinemas. Naturally, if they're skillful actors we don't get bored of watching them whatever the occasion, and this is certainly the case with the one and only Harrison Ford.


To summarise all of his films would be a pretty big task, but if you have to mention just a couple it is safe to say he has had some unforgettable roles. Ranging from Han Solo in 'Star Wars' to the adventurous Doctor Jones in 'Indiana Jones'. Although, science-fiction fans will be sure to add his role in 'Blade Runner' into the mix.

Either way, one thing is for sure is that Ford has been part of a range of films for all types of fans and he has become and still remains a key part of the industry, despite being over 70 years old. Someone of this calibre deserves recognition, so as a tribute we have decided to rustle up a few facts about the actors life and career, that you may not have known before.

1 In the clouds


One of the actors hobbies is flying planes and helicopters. In fact he even has some of his own planes. He had a flying accident a few years back, but nothing too serious and he recovered quickly. Yet probably the most interesting fact whilst Ford has been up in the air would probably be during 2001 when the actor saved some hikers who had got lost in a national park in Wyoming.

2 Harrison J. Ford


There aren't many people that haven't heard of Harrison Ford, but the fact is that he ha not always been referred to by this name. The actor, since 1970 has been accredited as Harrison J. Ford to avoid being confused with an another actor named Harrison Ford.

3 War wounds


Those people that follow the actor closely will have noticed, but the scar on Harrison Ford's chin could go easily unnoticed. He got the scar it in a car accident in 1968, but this hasn't stopped him from being one of the more good looking people in the industry. Made up explanations for his scar have been used for his characters in some of his films such 'Working Girl' (1988) and 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade'.

4 Harrisonfordi


Harrison Ford is the full package, in the best sense of the phrase. For example, the actor has done many things throughout his career and one of them includes doing his part for the environment. As a result, he has been honoured in a peculiar way. The actor has been named after a species of ants in Central America called Pheidole harrisonfordi, as well as being named after a species of spider called Calponia harrisonfordi.

5 War dodger


It seems that not even war can escape Harrison Ford. The actor was supposed to have fought in Vietnam, but he somehow had a cunning way of getting around it. He decided to send a pretty weird letter to the army talking about God. He didn't receive a reply or get called to the front line so at the end of the day he managed to get away with it.

6 Wounded


Indiana Jones was an adventurer and when he was played by Harrison Ford he would do anything to live up to that status. One time, during 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom', Ford injured his back and had to be operated on using an experimental papaya enzyme procedure. Meanwhile, his stunt double vic Armstrong tried to take over, but when the protagonist returned he continued to do his dangerous scenes like nothing had ever happened.