- Full Name: Leonardo Wihelm DiCaprio
- Date of birth: November 11, 1974 (49 years old)
- Location: Hollywood, California, Estados Unidos
- Country: USA
- Height: 1,83m
Leonardo DiCaprio has been active for 31 years, participating in 37 movies that average a 7.6/10 score.
Family and relationships
- Grandchildren: Ryan Reynolds
- Partners: Blake Lively (2010 - 2010)
- 2014 BAFTA Awards: 5 1
- 2012 Golden Globes: 6 2
- 2007 Academy Awards (Oscars): 6 1
Last appearances: movies and tv shows
- Película mejor puntuada: The Departed (2006) 8.6
- Película peor puntuada: Robin Hood (2018) 5.1
Leonardo DiCaprio nearly forgot his Oscar
March 1 2016
Leonardo DiCaprio's biggest night?
February 29 2016
's never done drugs so he had to speak to a drug expert to prepare his role in the 'Wolf of Wall Street'.
was interested in the lead role of Baz Luhrmann's 'Moulin Rouge' but his atrocious singing voice blew his chances to get it
is an environmental activist
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