Endless Poetry

Endless Poetry
Poster Endless Poetry

Title: Endless Poetry

Original Title: Poesía sin fin

Year: 2016


Release Dates

  • UK: January 06 2017
  • United States: July 14 2017


Alejandro Jodorowsky narrates his years of youth in 'Endless Poetry', his second autobiographic project on the screen after 'La danza de la realidad'. After move to the capital city of Chile, Santiago Chile, Jodorowsky explores a world full of artistic possibilities and meet a bohemian artistic circle of unknown artists like the poets Enrique Lihn, Nicanor Parra or Stelle Díaz Varín, between others. In this surrounding, Alejando Jodorowsky investigates the beauty of the existence and the life in itself.

'Endless Poetry' is a tribute to Chile's artistic heritage that the poet encounters in the capital of his country. In the cast, Brontis Jodorowskym, Pamela Flores, Adan Jodorowsky, Jeremias Herskovits and Leandro Taub as actors.



Endless Poetry
Endless Poetry
Endless Poetry
Endless Poetry
Endless Poetry
Endless Poetry
Endless Poetry
Endless Poetry


The memoirs of Alejandro Jodorowsky

This is the second of the five memoirs Alejandro Jodorowsky plans to shoot, the first one being 'La danza de la realidad' (2013).

Peggy Cordero

Veteran Chilean actress Peggy Cordero died during the making of this film.

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