Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé

Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé
Poster Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé

Title: Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé

Original Title: Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé

Year: 2023


Release Dates

  • United States: December 01 2023




Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé
Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé
Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé
Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé
Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé
Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé
Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé
Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé


A great detail

The toilets from Beyonce's show are neutral. This is directly linked to the ideals of the singer, who has always been a big defensor of the LGTBIQ+ rights.

The iconic crystal horse

Beyoncé includes on her show the iconic and gigantic silver horse that resembles the one from the cover of her album 'Renaissance'.

Spanish fashion

Jonathan Anderson created for Loewe two of the jumpsuits: the shiny silver one and the latex outfit with black hands printed.

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