Oscars 2018: The most meme-worthy moments

In recent years award ceremonies have become pretty famous for their generation of new memes. Take a look at those from the 2018 Oscars.

March 5 2018 | 11:37


Awards ceremonies are boring. You know it, I know it, we all do, but that doesn't stop people trying to convince us of the contrary year upon year. Four hours is a long time to be sat waiting and listening patiently until they (hopefully) call out your name. Thankfully, Twitter has our back and knows just what we need to keep us entertained throughout the ceremony, and so without further ado, introducing: the most meme-worthy moments of the 2018 Oscars.

 Oscar 2018 memes

Meryl Streep is 'Shrek''s Fairy Godmother

Unfortunately for her, Meryl Streep just can't seem to shake off the memes. Dressed in a powerfully red dress with her hair styled in an up-do, many were quick to note the similarities between the 'The Post' actress and the fairy godmother from 'Shrek 2'.

Jennifer Lawrence is everyone's drunken friend

She just wouldn't be Jennifer Lawrence without making the news. This year, the actress was seen climbing over the seats at the Dolby Theatre, glass of wine in hand, as she made her way to her seat. Instead of shuffling past everyone, Lawrence did what any one of us would've done after a glass of wine or two: took a shortcut, although perhaps not in the most gracious way possible.

Jennifer Garner clearly left her keys at home

The night took a turn for the better with this clip of Jennifer Garner clapping enthusiastically before stopping prematurely and looking as though she's in deep thought. What's wrong Jennifer? Did you forget to unplug the iron? Did it just occur to you that the awards are meaningless because we're all going to die eventually? Please, someone, find out what's going on!

No one's about to fool Guillermo del Toro

At the end of the night, the cast of 'The Shape of Water' ascended to the stage with director Guillermo del Toro at the forefront. Following the embarrassment of 2017 involving 'Moonlight' and 'La La Land', the director wasn't about to be fooled. Before even being handed his award, del Toro took ahold of the envelope for himself to verify that he'd won.

Meryl Streep meme 2.0

We'll never tire of Meryl Streep, and neither will Twitter apparently. In 2015, the actress kicked off a whole new meme when she was pictured shouting at the Screen Actor's Guild. Three years later, the actress clearly decided it was time to improve the image, and presented us with an updated version of the same image.